At Work
I'm a psychologist and an attorney. As a clinician I provide services in inpatient crisis units, skilled nursing facilities, and outpatient substance abuse programs. As an attorney I consult on legal issues related to the health care industry. I was a full-time professor teaching psychopathology and research methodology. I continue to provide statistical analysis and research support services on a contract basis.
At Home
I'm a Dad. I tell hilarious jokes that are often underappreciated, mow the lawn, and cook our meals when my wife allows it. I'm currently learning about sauces, and only set one pan on fire while preparing my first roux!
Meet the Team

Laura Baley
Founder & CEO
Laura is a writer from NYC who was induced to return to the South by unfounded promises of fame and glory from our Vice-President. She works full time from a desk on the back porch which overlooks the mountains. From time to time she takes on a contract project when she isn't too busy collaborating with our intern.

John Baley
John is a psychologist, attorney, data scientist, former professor, landscaper, janitor, ex-sandwich maker, and once danced in a chicken costume by the side of the road for minimum wage. He enjoys Dad jokes and doing what Laura tells him to. Usually.

Myron Jack "Bippy" Baley
Jack- or Bippy, as he is more commonly known- is the intern. He enjoys cookies, being excited, counting trucks, and alerting Dad to the presence of bears.
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